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How Does Work Affect Your Love And Sex-Life Balance?
When you are stressed at your workplace, it is natural for you to feel exhausted and negative when you get home, and this can affect your love and work life, especially if you work long shifts and travel a lot for work.
While stress affects your professional productivity, it has even more effect on the relationships you share with your loved ones. When the relationship with your loved ones is affected, the effect on your mental health is bad. Another thing that your work life can affect is your sex life. Despite what we see in the romantic movies we watch and the novels we read, a good love and sex life takes some work.
Forget what these romance novels and movies tell you because the stories rarely factor in the complexities of real life, such as stress management and a healthy work-life balance. So, how does work affect your love-life balance, and what can you do about it?
The Effect Of Work Stress On Your Love And Sex Life
If you are beginning to wonder why you and your partner seem to have lost intimacy and sexual chemistry, here are the possible reasons;
You have little to no energy
Image from CarreerAddict
After a very stressful day at work, and if you live in a busy city, a very long and stressful journey back home, you will lack the energy and motivation to engage in any activities after work. In this case, you will find it difficult to connect with your romantic partner, which means you no longer put the same effort you used to.
When you find it difficult to connect with your partner, it results in the creation of emotional distance between you and them, and both of you are not able to spend enough time together and this can make you feel detached and lonely.
The absence
When stress hormones take over, the closeness between you and your partner is replaced by absence. It becomes almost impossible to be present – to pay attention and to be interested in your loved ones and environment. Due to the stress, you will find it difficult to deal with anyone but yourself. The stress hormones in your body are pushing you to either fight or run away, and this can cause you to be aggressive towards your significant other. You may begin to snap or yell at them.
In most cases, the people you normally love spending time with can suddenly begin to make you feel choked because they want to spend time with you. When you start feeling this way, the intimacy between you and your partner begins to fall gradually fall away. When the presence and intimacy between you and your partner fade away, insecurities begin to increase, communication reduces, and you begin to drift apart.
What To Do When Work Affects Your Love And Sex-life Balance
When stress begins to affect your love and sex life, and you and your partner begin to seemingly detach, you need to address the issues. Here’s what to do.
Talk to your partner about stress
Image from MGB Relationships
You don’t have to feel bad or ashamed about the fact that you experience stress almost every day. Everyone is at risk of going through stress. You and your partner should talk about stress and how you can manage it. Decide to handle this issue as a team – fighting stress together. Doing this will increase the sense of unity and help both of you to know that you will get through this together.
Accept that your sex drive will fluctuate
It is okay to have a low sex drive sometimes. You have to accept that it may take some time to get back into the swing of things. However, you can still have a great sex life during this time if you keep in mind that it will take longer than usual for your body to feel aroused. You will also need to focus on letting the ‘brake nervous system’ kick in.
Ask your significant other what they want
You may find it difficult to participate in your relationship when you are stressed. In fact, there may have been instances when you couldn’t pay attention to your partner’s needs. Instead, just ask them if there is anything they want you to do for them and do it. Your partner will know that you care. The connection between the two of you will also be strengthened.
Give each other a break
Image from The Couple Connection
On days when you cannot keep up with your relationship and work, you and your significant other should step up for each other. When you are completely spent, your partner should take over the duties and you should do the same too. Doing this will ease the stress and make you feel better. It will also help you create time for more romance.
How Does Work Affect Your Love And Sex-Life Balance?
Always remember that you are not alone. Stress happens to everyone. If you feel you need to talk to an expert, go ahead and get help.
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