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How Do I Show My Boyfriend That I Am The Boss? Power dynamics are always at play in every form of relationship, so you should expect this in your romantic relationship.
Some relationships come with an equal amount of respect and power, while in others, one partner has more power. In fact, power can shift at different points of the relationship, making things a little bit complicated.
Perhaps, when the relationship just started, you and your boyfriend never considered the issue of power and respect because you thought it was equally distributed. However, as time went on, you begin to notice that things are shifting, and now you feel that your boyfriend has more power. You should be the Beyonce of this couple, right? We agree.
You keep asking yourself “how do I show my boyfriend that I am the boss?”
You probably don’t know how to be the boss and take charge in your relationship. Plus, you are yet to communicate your needs to him properly. So, here’s a guide on how to show your boyfriend that you are the boss.
Show Your Boyfriend You Are The Boss In The Relationship
So you want to take back your power – as it should be! All you have to do is follow our guide and you will soon be the boss of your relationship.
Don’t Lose Your Independence
Image from Medium
Sometimes, when you feel lost in your relationship, it has less to do with your boyfriend, and more to do with yourself. The moment you begin to lose the sense of “I” in a relationship, it means you have stopped seeing yourself as an individual. Constantly remind yourself of the person that you are outside your partner. Find time out for yourself. Engage in your hobbies. Doing these will help you touch base with your identity. You will also feel more empowered in the relationship.
Stand up for yourself.
You have probably started going along with everything your boyfriend says even if you do not agree with it. While we know that it is okay to give in to his choices and decisions from time to time all because you want to be loving and generous, he shouldn’t always have his way. You need to start expressing your thoughts and opinions more in other to get back some power.
Speak Up And Be Clear
Image from R.H.S. School of Business
What do you need from your boyfriend? Speak up and be clear. Let him know. If he loves and respects you, they will be happy that you are upfront and honest. Communicating clearly will show that you are in total control, and you will have more empowered.
Set Healthy Boundaries
Everyone has their own rules that fall within their comfort zone, hence, it is important to keep some of your rules when you are in a romantic relationship. You need to set healthy boundaries in relationships, so if you think you need more control, set boundaries. You should know your limits and communicate them to your boyfriend. Also, let your boyfriend know that no means no.
Act Consistent with Your Words
If you want more control and want your boyfriend to take you seriously, then make sure you mean everything you say. Your boyfriend will respect you more if you mean what you say and you are consistent with your comments. For example, follow through and act during conflicts. If you tell your boyfriend that there will be repercussions, then make sure you act on them. Your boyfriend will take you seriously if you do this.
Show Your Confidence
Image from Women Working
There is nothing more attractive than a confident woman. If you believe in yourself, taking control will be easier, Let your partner know that you think you deserve the best. If you are struggling with confidence, it can affect your relationships. It is important to talk to a professional or your loved ones about your insecurity. Your family and friends can help you see the best in yourself.
Have Self Respect
If you don’t respect yourself, no one will respect you. Respect is very important in relationships, so you should let your boyfriend know that you respect yourself. Be careful about how you speak about yourself, how you see your character, and how you handle your power as a woman, and your partner will echo it back.
Use Silence As A Weapon During Conflict
If your boyfriend is hurting you in some way, staying silent rather than losing your emotions too quickly will make him realize he doesn’t have much power over you. Take the non-violent, silent approach during conflicts to catch him off guard. Silence will shift the power balance in the relationship.
Remember that you’re equals
Image from The Statesman
You are partners. This relationship is not a boss-employee relationship. It’s okay to consider your boyfriend’s feelings, but does he consider yours? You both have a say in the relationship. Don’t give your power to anyone just because you want to maintain the relationship. Always put yourself first.
Always remember that you are in control of your life.
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